Pregnancy, labor and postnatal recovery are major feats in a woman’s life.  This is the perfect time to adopt a well-balanced, customized exercise routine that embraces fertility, pregnancy and postnatal needs. 

The goal of the Faison Method’s pre + postnatal approach is to provide you with expert knowledge in the art and science of healing, rehab and fitness in both mind and body during this special period in your life.  


FERTILITY exercise

Prepare your body to support fertility

pregnancy training

Bespoke training for each trimester 

PostNatal Program

Recover, rebuild and boost your energy

The Method is thoughtfully tailored from fertility through each trimester and onto postnatal life, where Katelyn uses a four-phase approach to help rebuild fitness, enhance body composition and boost energy.

Our team brings a bespoke approach to you, your body and the training program you need to create long-term and injury-free results. She blends multiple forms of movement from yoga, pilates, and fitness to mobility and fascial release work to achieve women’s goals. 

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While living in London, Katelyn developed KX’s pregnancy and postnatal program, one of the city’s most exclusive health clubs that caters to professionals, celebrities and women.

She collaborated with world renowned doctors, including Professor Marc Johnson, as well as recognized physical therapists and nutritionists.


Meet Annabelle

Annabelle is our London based Personal Trainer and Clinical Exercise Physiologist. She has a Sports Science Degree from the University of Queensland, Australia and specializes in women’s health, including pre and postnatal training. She has consulted for Kayla Itsines pre and postnatal programs, a well-known and respected fitness influencer. Given Annabelle’s expertise in pain management and rehabilitation, she is well qualified to adapt exercises for pregnant women and anyone dealing with some other issue. She is here to help support you during this incredible journey in your life.

“At the beginning of my pregnancy, Katelyn coached me about body alignment, which became very useful for continuing my favourite classes. Your body constantly changes during pregnancy so having an expert to educate me along the way was extremely valuable.
— Bridget Valentine, Model

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