Fascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is known as a unique and sought-after form of fascial release work. For us, mobility and FST techniques are like taking care of a luxury sports car, requiring frequent specialised service and maintenance. Expect a passion and commitment to quality stretching, nutrition, sleep and stress management as you stretch with Katelyn Faison.

The fascial system (a.k.a. fascia) is the most prevalent tissue in the body and acts as a network of tissue that covers and connects our muscles, joints and organs.  It is responsible for healthy circulation and function in your muscles, joints, arteries, veins, brain and spinal cord.

Exercise does not improve your fascia. You need to include dynamic flexibility exercises, gentle to mild foam rolling, specific mobility work or yoga to improve the quality and health of your fascial system. 

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Training feels amazing, however, mobility and FST techniques are important to balance your more intense exercise sessions and increase your athletic longevity.

This specialized set of exercise techniques can be incorporated into your personal training and yoga sessions or they can sit as a stand-alone session. 


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