C-Section Strength and Fitness

Katelyn helped me with strength and fitness throughout pregnancy and the postnatal period. As an athlete in her own right she has a really sophisticated understanding of the body's biomechanics and she pitches the level and content of training perfectly. I was confident after a C section I'd be building my strength back safely. I can't recommend her highly enough: a total breath of fresh air and a trainer who really knows her stuff. Thank you!


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Post-Natal Bootcamp Body Transformation and Lower Back Pain Management


Katelyn’s post-natal training methods truly helped get my body back on track in a safe and progressive manner with results to prove it. I have trained with many Personal Trainers around the world and I was extremely impressed with Katelyn’s knowledge, attention to detail, and her understanding of how to properly train the female body. I also liked how she balanced function with vanity too!

I was blown away by my body transformation…I lost 12 inches in 3 months and I had more ab definition than I did prior to pregnancy;) My lower back pain went away and Katelyn helped get me strong and fit enough to return to riding horses, a big post-natal goal of mine. Thank you so much Katelyn!!!